New Year, New Me, New You

It’s crazy how time flies, jumps, skips, gallops and shimmys by—with jazz hands, no less. But I really want to start the new year with a new attitude.

Teen Vogue In The Movement

I was recently asked by the lovely Leigh Belz over at Teen Vogue to scribble up some must-haves for the upcoming summer music festival season. Here’s what I came up with. Click the pic to take a better look at the feature—and pre-order a fancypants new spork!

I Need These STAT!!!

Big ups to the first person to send me these!!!

Welcome To My New Home!!

Please excuse the mess. There should be a ton of stuff on here starting this weekend. Trust. In the meantime, thanks for coming and check back often.

More about Leslie Simon

LESLIE SIMON is a writer, editor, and content strategist who treasures her business cards from past gigs at Paramount, Warner Records, MTV, and Alternative Press Magazine.

She is the co-author of the book Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide To Emo Culture, in addition to being the author of books like Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks And Other Misfits Are Taking Over The World and Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide To Your Favorite Music Scenes.

Leslie currently lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys watching past seasons of This Old House with her rescue pup Stanley Tucci.