Geek Girl Of The Week: Jenny Lewis

Jenny Lewis has come a long way since singing about Wilderness Girls cookies.

NYC Reading/Signing Announcement

I’m pleased to announce that the amazingly talented Jenny Owen Youngs will be performing a couple songs at the Geek Girls Unite reading at the NYU Bookstore on Oct. 14. The party goes from 7 PM – 8:30 PM so get there early and bring all your friends!!

Geek Girl Of The Week: Meghan McCain

Political blogger Meghan McCain isn’t afraid to express her liberalism on social issues.

Geek Girl Of The Week: Grace Coddington

Everyone knows the real star of the Vogue fashion show is Grace Coddington.

Geek Girl(s) Of The Week: Nerd Girls

If you don’t think engineering is a feminine profession, think again! Nerd Girls are a group of badass gals that just so happen to be science, technology, engineering and math students.

Geek Girl Of The Week: Kristen Wiig

Aside from the occasional SNL Digital Short (“Man, this ain’t my dad! This is a cell phone!”), Kristen Wiig just might be the best thing about Saturday Night Live these days. Can I get a witness?

“Geek Girls Unite” Scores Big On

Didja hear? has named Geek Girls Unite one of “Fall’s Hottest Books.” Check it!

More about Leslie Simon

LESLIE SIMON is a writer, editor, and content strategist who treasures her business cards from past gigs at Paramount, Warner Records, MTV, and Alternative Press Magazine.

She is the co-author of the book Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide To Emo Culture, in addition to being the author of books like Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks And Other Misfits Are Taking Over The World and Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide To Your Favorite Music Scenes.

Leslie currently lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys watching past seasons of This Old House with her rescue pup Stanley Tucci.