Listen To Me Wax Reproductive On “Feliz Navipod”

Nope, that’s not a typo. For some inexplicable reason, I thought it was the purrrrfect time and venue to talk about the status of my reproductive system when my dear friend, Tony Thaxton, asked me to appear on his hilarious podcast, Feliz Navipod. Luckily, I was able to turn a potentially awkward conversation into a discussion filled with thrills, spills and educational information about Boston’s medical coverage for fertility insurance... Read More

Listen To Me Talk About More Feelings

(L-R: Matt, Christina, Blair, me as a cat) I recently made a second appearance on my friends’ podcast, “Let’s Talk About Feelings,” where I was joined by Blair Shehan (The Jealous Sound, Knapsack). Topics covered include: Katy Perry’s new single French bulldog puppies and the people who own them Fest 12 and the bearded dudes you’ll find there I also babbled about a bunch of other stuff I can’t remember.... Read More

Listen To Me Talk About Feelings

Last week, my hilarious friend Christina asked me to be a guest on her podcast with the equally funny Matt. It’s called “Let’s Talk About Feelings” and we did that… and then some. Topics covered include: Channing Tatum Jimmy John’s and their free smells Dashboard confessional sing-alongs These things In other words, a good time was had by all. Take a listen to it here and don’t forget to subscribe.  Read More

Make A Movie Without Leaving Your Couch

When it comes to brilliant besties, I have a few. In fact, I’ve got more than a few. Some are professors, others are economists, but all of them continue to amaze me with their talent, creativity and drive. One such BFF is Sara Newens, who recently got her masters in documentary filmmaking at Stanford. (Yeah, my girl is wicked smaaaaaht.) While in school, she teamed up with her classmate Mina T. Son to create a short called Top Spin, which was... Read More

Geek Girls Unite! Update

Hoof it over to Geek Girls Unite! and see who I’ve crowned Geek Girl Of The Week—or else Norman’s gonna stick his middle finger in your face. Oh, wait! He already did. Natch!  Read More

Dusk And Autumn

The first time I talked to Chris Carrabba, I think I was still the office manager at Alternative Press. Most of my days were spent sorting mail, cleaning up after our gastrointestinally challenged cat Ogre and dreaming of writing pieces for the magazine that were more than 50 words. It must’ve been late 2001 or early 2002, and the whole editorial staff was prepping for AP’s “100 Bands You Need To Know” issue. I had been trumpeting... Read More

Falling Over Me

This summer has been one big heap of marital bliss for me and my besties. First, it was my BFF Jessica, who got hitched in Ithaca, New York, at the beginning of August. Then, it was my oldest and dearest pal Lesley, who tied the knot in Cleveland a couple weeks ago. Seeing as I was bestowed with the honor of being MOH—that’s “maid of honor,” for the wedding layman—I hoofed it back to attend to my bridal duties. Not only did... Read More

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More about Leslie Simon

LESLIE SIMON is a writer, editor, and content strategist who treasures her business cards from past gigs at Paramount, Warner Records, MTV, and Alternative Press Magazine.

She is the co-author of the book Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide To Emo Culture, in addition to being the author of books like Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks And Other Misfits Are Taking Over The World and Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide To Your Favorite Music Scenes.

Leslie currently lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys watching past seasons of This Old House with her rescue pup Stanley Tucci.