I Got A Nautical Themed Pashmina Afghan

Ever since I moved back to Los Angeles almost two years ago, I’ve spent the majority of my time working my tail to the bone. (No, really. It hurts to sit. TMI.) If I wasn’t prepping — and then promoting — the release of my latest book, Geek Girls Unite, I was navigating the  waters as a marketing director for one of my favorite record labels. And, let me tell you, those waters were mother-effing choppy… and stressful…... Read More

New Year, New Me, New You

It’s crazy how time flies, jumps, skips, gallops and shimmys by—with jazz hands, no less. I’m super lucky to have the next week off work and I’m determined to take care of some housekeeping that’s been massively overdue (i.e. clean the floor boards, throw away old spices, flip my mattress, update this here site, etc.). I’m not sure why I’ve been neglecting all this stuff—well, let’s be honest, who would... Read More

Bahston Is Wicked Awesome

I’m home on another Saturday night, updating this here blog while watching Lindsay Lohan’s poorly dyed blonde streaks in Freaky Friday for the zillionth time. But don’t cry for me, Argentina. I’m actually quite stoked to spend the evening in my jim-jams—especially because I spent most of the afternoon hobbling in 5-inch high heels at a pre-Grammy BBQ in Beverly Hills and my dogs are barking. To be honest, things have been... Read More

Please Forgive Me And My Slacker Ways

First off, I must apologize because it feels like a million years since I’ve updated my site. Every week, I swore that I’d write a post all about my latest goings-on, but then something would inevitably get in the way—i.e. a hike, a trip to the grocery store, or a “Battle of the ADAs” marathon of Law And Order: SVU on the USA Network—and I would get distracted, leaving my laptop to remain unopened on the dining room table. While... Read More

Need A Gift For The Geek Girl In Your Life?

One of my most-beloved sites on the planet, The Frisky, has highlighted their favorite Under $35 Holiday Gift Picks and guess who made the cut? (Spoiler: Moi!) Check out the amazing Amelia McDonnell-Parry waxing poetic on Geek Girls Unite and don’t forget to order your copy before the weather outside gets really frightful.  Read More

Come To NerdMelt On Thursday, Nov. 3

Don’t forget about the amazing Geek Girls Unite shindig going down in Los Angeles this Thursday. Did you get your tickets yet? If not, what are you waiting for?  Read More

L.A. Signing Announcement

It’s been a busy couple weeks in the life of me. (Photos and proper post to follow!) First came GeekGirlCon in Seattle, then came Comic-Con in New York City and a reading at the NYU Bookstore, and now I’m pleased to announce a West Coast event for all my L.A. peeps and geek girls! I’m teaming up with the fantastic folks at NerdMelt to present a fabulous Geek Girls Unite Book Release Show on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 8 PM. Come join us... Read More

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More about Leslie Simon

LESLIE SIMON is a writer, editor, and content strategist who treasures her business cards from past gigs at Paramount, Warner Records, MTV, and Alternative Press Magazine.

She is the co-author of the book Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide To Emo Culture, in addition to being the author of books like Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks And Other Misfits Are Taking Over The World and Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide To Your Favorite Music Scenes.

Leslie currently lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys watching past seasons of This Old House with her rescue pup Stanley Tucci.