“I Wanna Get Better”… At Updating This Site

View from the top… of my computer I can’t believe this is the first post of 2014. Dang! What have I been doing for the last 4 months? Oh, right… I’ve been: Looking for a job Building up more freelancing gigs Taking writing classes at UCLA Worrying about money Waiting for editors and HR peeps to get back to me Trying to date guys who aren’t either married or (recently) recovering from a substance-abuse problem Not sleeping Watching... Read More

Listen To Me Talk About Feelings

Last week, my hilarious friend Christina asked me to be a guest on her podcast with the equally funny Matt. It’s called “Let’s Talk About Feelings” and we did that… and then some. Topics covered include: Channing Tatum Jimmy John’s and their free smells Dashboard confessional sing-alongs These things In other words, a good time was had by all. Take a listen to it here and don’t forget to subscribe.  Read More

Overdue Check-In Coming Soon!

My middle name must be “Richard Linklater” because I am a total slacker. However, I’m getting ready to rejoin the land of the online living so be sure to check back soon because I’ve got some exciting stuff planned for this here space. Until then, I leave you with a picture of Chynna Phillips… er, I mean, Miley Cyrus and her new haircut. Why? Why not.  Read More

She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round The Mountain

I’ve spent most of the weekend shackled to my laptop, toiling away on my book proposal for what feels like the millionth time. I’m totes exhausted—even though I’ve barely moved from my dining room table except to sleep, eat, potty and watch the occasional episode of iCarly. Okay, that’s not entirely true. This morning, while I waited for the TimeWarner dude to replace my half-eaten internet wires (damn vermin!), I also caught... Read More

Holy Cuteballs!

Um—there are no words. That said, I proudly present my newest obsession. Enjoy! PS… Proper post coming tomorrow. Swears!!  Read More

New Gig: Word Inventor


Vocab Is Delish

I think I invented a new word. Check it! Cupdate [kuhp-deyt] noun, verb, dat⋅ed, dat⋅ing: A social appointment, engagement or occassion arranged beforehand with another person and revolved around either 1.) the presence of cupcakes, or 2.) the act of consuming cupcakes. EX] “I totes have a cupdate with the lovely Jessica Louise tomorrow night and I’m heaving with excitement!!” What’cha think??  Read More

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More about Leslie Simon

LESLIE SIMON is a writer, editor, and content strategist who treasures her business cards from past gigs at Paramount, Warner Records, MTV, and Alternative Press Magazine.

She is the co-author of the book Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide To Emo Culture, in addition to being the author of books like Geek Girls Unite: How Fangirls, Bookworms, Indie Chicks And Other Misfits Are Taking Over The World and Wish You Were Here: An Essential Guide To Your Favorite Music Scenes.

Leslie currently lives in Los Angeles where she enjoys watching past seasons of This Old House with her rescue pup Stanley Tucci.