Urban Outfitters Awesomeness
Great news, kiddies! Actually, it’s effing EXCITING news that deserve a bunch of exclamation points!!! The radtastic peeps at Urban Outfitters have started selling Wish You Were Here online. True story!! If any of your friends, family, enemies, frenemies or what-have-you have not ordered the book yet, you must tell them to hoof it over to Urban and add that sh*t to their shopping cart STAT! Do not pass “go!” Do not collect $100!
I know I’m such a blog tease, but I SWEAR there’s a mondo post in the works. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!!
In the meantime, do yourself and listen to the song that’s totes ruling my world right now. It’s by my fave British band The Wombats and it’s called “School Uniforms.” It totally speaks to my secret desire to have been a bad-ass prep-school girl a la Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler in Aerosmith’s “Crazy.” If the last minute of this track doesn’t make you dance around your room like a banchee, then call the doctor because there is officially something wrong with you! (“Short skirts, long hair, hormones flying everywherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!!”